On Wednesday 28 May 2003 06:37 pm, Steve Wright wrote:
> Heyas All,
> <fishing>
> Anyone else out there thinking about LEAF, IPV6, bigger networks, and
> policy routing ?
> </fishing>

I belive someone got a LEAF ipv6 box up and running after jumping through
many hoops. LEAF is running on several very large networks already. 
Policy routing isn't something that has been very actively pursued yet,
though has been done. If your seriously looking into doing some major
policy routing setups, cish is a Cisco/Checkpoint-type shell that was
worked into an ancient version of LRP that did policy routing IIRC...
maybe hacking into that image would provide some good ideas. David 
Douthitt made a 'cish' package, though I don't know if anyone has ever
actually used it and what it contained except possibly the menu shell
itself (that may be older than the 'cish' image itself).

I lot of ideas, but never seemingly enough time.......
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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