Hello all,

I've progressed somewhat with my Bering controlled home LAN.
I've even begin to vaguely understand what I'm doing. Kinda.

I've upgraded to Bering 1.2 and I'm attempting to create vtun tunnels to
a VPN WAN run by a friend of mine.

Now, I can create these tunnels just fine, it all works.

# vtund -f /etc/vtund.conf lieneave -p PPP.QQQ.RRR.SSS

That works fine, as well as the other tunnel I start and creating a
vtund server.

Shorewall is all configured, with a "wan" zone added and bound to the
tun0 and tun1 interfaces. That all works perfect too.

So, I tried to get these tunnels to come up at boot.

Am I correct in thinking that I add OPTIONS="" lines to the file

OPTIONS="-f /etc/vtund.conf lieneave -p PPP.QQQ.RRR.SSS"
OPTIONS="-f /etc/vtund.conf neavesjothun -p WWW.XXX.YYY.ZZZ"

I add three, one for the server and two clients.

But when the system boots, the tunnels and the server are not there.
Some error messages appear at boot, but they shoot past too quickly and
ctrl+pgup doesn't seem to work on Bering.
Also, these error messages do not appear anywhere in the log files, nor
in dmesg.

Is there any way to increase the level of logging?


James L S Neave

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