
> I have a question: I have written an extensive firewall script
> using sh and iptables. I am now looking for a linux diskette
> distribution which enables me to boot a machine from diskette
> (with iptables
> and pppoe enabled), then insert my diskette with my firewall.sh
> and run it. I wondered if you would have any recommendations
> concerning this procedure?

You can use LEAF Bering, remove shorewall.lrp and use your script instead.
The fwbuild.lrp package could help you there, even if you don't use
fwbuilder at all.

- Install and configure Bering, remove shorewall.lrp
- Get the fwbuild.lrp package from the tarball at
and install it on your floppy

- Copy your iptables script to your running system, e.g to /tmp/your-script
- run /etc/init.d/fwbuilder install /tmp/your-script


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