On Tuesday 01 July 2003 04:32 pm, JamesSturdevant wrote:
> I am looking for VPN solutions to connect my classroom to my home network.
> Most of the VPN software indicates that you need to have control of the end
> points. I do not. I have control of the Mandrake system and the LEAF system
> shown below. Is there software available to establish a VPN between LEAF
> and Mandrake?

Given the situation that one of the subnets (classroom) is being NAT'ed twice,
the best VPN option for you would be to run the latest version of Ipsec with
NAT-transversal (likely the only solution in this case). I believe Jacques
has the updated ipsec package in his /testing directory and likely someone
onlist with experience running NAT-transversal can give you a hand configuring
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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