Hello all,

I'm trying to make DNSCache start before shorewall. 
This is because I need DNS lookups in the shorewall rules file.
I spoke to a friend of mine and we changed the RCDLINKS in the init.d
files to the following

RCDLINKS="2,S45 3,S45 6,K45"

RCDLINKS="2,S41 3,S41 6,K46"

Before, shorewall have a lower value after 6,K

Is this the correct way to make DNSCache start first? Because it made no
I'm loath to make any more changes in case I kill my box and have to
start again :\

The other suggestions I have to try are:
Change 6 to 7
Add "Sleep 30" to the beginning of the shorewall init script.

And I have no idea whether they would be fatal changes.
Any advice?



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