Jay Langford wrote:
Thanks charles,

I am going to check out nessus as per seans suggestion...

I think you'll be happier with the nessus results. Nmap is also good for raw port-scanning.

Do you know if it is possible to change the ping results to make it look
like it's a windows box?

ICMP code in response <> 0 => Unix box

If so would there be any side effects of doing this?

??? I'm confused.

A ping (echo request, ICMP message type 8) should always be answered with an echo reply (ICMP message type 0).

I don't think even Microsoft's TCP/IP stack has managed to screw this up.

Also, all ICMP echo request/reply messages should have a message code of 0 (although some vendors co-opt the message code for specific services).

Do you have a packet dump of the offending ping traffic?

Charles Steinkuehler

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