Robert Coffman - Info From Data Corporation wrote:
I'm not sure I can help with this, but I'd love to know what hardware you
are running this on.

Actually, I'd love to hear anyone's input on the capacities of their Bering
boxes, what they are doing with them, and what hardware they run on.

It's not running Bering, but my "most-stresed" LEAF based router is a P-II 366 w/64 Meg & 2 tulip-based NICs running Dachstein hooked to a Cogent 100 MB/s internet link (in front of a couple linux and one M$ server boxen).

This LEAF box routes 5-10 MBits/s constantly (5 minute averages), and was pegged at 80+ MB/s durring *ALL* of siggraph (while we were streaming live video footage from the show floor through the Cogent uplink.

I have had no problems related to CPU load, lack of memory, or anything else with this box. Although Dachstein is running the 2.2 kernel and ipchains, I would suspect similar or better performance from the 2.4 kernel and iptables on similar hardware (the ip stack was cleaned up a lot to tweak networking performance in the 2.4 kernels).

The big question is what sort of hardware are you running (specifically CPU, motherboard chipset, and NIC chipset(s))? If you expect to see wirespeed performance on multiple 100 MBit NICs, you need a good quality motherboard chipset and "server-class" NICs that do a good job of bus-mastering DMA data transfers, plus a fairly zippy CPU. In other words, a bit more than your average 90 MHz Pentium-1 class system...not a full blown multi-GHz P4, but at least something along the lines of an intel BX chipset or newer, multi-100 MHz CPU (P-II class), and good NICs (I personally like the DEC derrived 21xxx chipsets (tulip driver), but Intel's are reportedly pretty good too).

Charles Steinkuehler

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