At 11:18 AM 9/30/2003 +1000, AdStar wrote:
I added the masq for my local traffic out of eth0 and that has now allowed me
to ping the ADSL modem, but cannot access the web config on it or the SNMP
they both timeout (it does not error straight away it is a timeout).
No rejects in the my shorewall logs, it just time out's.
Ray when you say NAT traffic from the LAN is masq it above achive the same

Yes, in this context.

At this point, you've solved the most basic connectivity problem. Now you need to find out which side is failing to handle the snmp and http packets properly. If you can run tcpdump on the router (depends on the equipment you have), Tom's suggestion is the right way to proceed. If for some reason you can't do that, check the packet counts on the interfaces ("ip -s link") before and after you try, to see if you can figure out which side the problem is on.

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