At 03:50 PM 10/16/2003 -0400, Sean E. Covel wrote:
You could use sftp.  sftp is basically FTP over ssh.  That would get you
to/from a Linux box.  You could use Putty SFTP or some of the more GUI
ftp clients are starting to support SFTP (CuteFTP, WS_FTP Pro (not LE)).

Did I misinterpret the original poster's use of "read/write from/to some files", or did you? I read it to mean that he or she wanted to make changes to the files without actually moving them to the LEAF router before (and perhaps back after) doing so. If I misunderstood, then your suggestion sia a good one. In addition, any of regular ftp, rcp, and scp would also work to copy the files to and from the LEAF router.

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 15:25, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> At 09:24 AM 10/16/2003 -0700, M Lu wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> > >From Bering router machine, I would like to read/write from/to some files on
> >an internal machine (either Linux or MS Windows-Server). What is the best
> >way to do that?
> As posed, this question is a bit too general to get a good answer.

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