> No, Lynn, as you can see this first attempt to connect succeeded, and I
> was on for an hour.  Now, I agree that since I got kicked off when four
> echoes failed there's strong suspicion that something was going on at the
> ISP PoP.  But all the subsequent attempts to reconnect failed (using the
> same configuration!) until I rebooted.  Now that also casts some
> suspicion on the Bering firewall as well.  After all, if Bering fumbled
> the echo replies it might think the ISP was not responding.  Bering
> terminated the link.  I don't know the details of the protocol exchanges
> shown in the logs well enough to tell what's going on, except that the
> UID wasn't corrupted.  Thought one of the experts might spot something.

Ok, I just looked far enough to see a "PAP-failure" authentication error on
every subsequent attempt to reconnect. I'm not a PPP expert, but I thought
this might narrow the possibilities.
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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