Dr. Richard W. Tibbs wrote:
Dear list:
Want to host a VPN through my Dachstein firewall,
as well as port-forward web, IMAP and SMTP to an interal server.
I made a boot floppy of Lynn Avants' Dachstein IPsec image, and configured the port 
forwarding in network.conf.
But, although web access from internal machines works fine, the outside world cannot 
get to my
mail, IMAP and www servers.
Is there an additional step or command required for this with Dach-ipsec?
My older (non-ipsec) dach boot disk port-fw just fine (back running on it now -- but 
no VPN).

A "diff" of the two network.conf files is below.
Could the IP_SPOOF stuff be a problem?
I have not modified those lines from the default network.conf that came with the 
respective images.

IP_SPOOF shouldn't be causing your problems. IPSec can do some funny things with routing, depending on how you've got it setup, which is about the only thing I can think of that might be causing your problems.

Please provide the output of the following commands, *WITH* any IPSec connections up and running:

  net ipfilter list
  ip addr
  ip route

Charles Steinkuehler

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