Jeff Pierce wrote:

Could you try to answer one more ipchains related question. How do you force the rule cache to clear when you make a change? I renmove a port forward rule and reenter it to forward to another machine. However it seeems to take several minutes for the rule to take effect. And, if any packets for that port arrive, they are forwared to the old forward target and the resets the cache counter. SO if packets keep coming in, the new rule never takes effect unless I reboot the router.
Can the rule cache be cleared on command?

Hmm...I've not encountered this problem, but I don't do a lot of 'live' switching of port-forwards. I can think of a few things to try, including:

- Try deleting the port-forward entry before adding a new one using the ipmasqadm command with the -d option.

- Verify you only have one port-forward entry listed (net ipfilter list portfw or ipmasqadm portfw -ln)

- Try setting your masquerade timeouts to a shorter value (ipchains -M -S)

Charles Steinkuehler

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