Tibbs, Richard wrote:

Thanks, Charles.. This worked like a charm.
I wondered what the partial backup was for.

Also, I have in-line below what I did -- with a few extra things like
umount and replace the XFER with the NEW FW disk. And a question whether
the second tar should be -xzvf or -xavf, as you wrote it? (looks like
you hit a instead of z)

Yes, the 'a' was a typo and should have been a 'z'.

As to the instructions, your additions look good. Note that you can use package names instead of numbers in the backup menus, which makes documentation easier (and is typically easier for me to enter...I can type the max. 8 character package name faster than I can find the backup menu number with all the packages I load :), ie:

  b shorwall

...instead of:

  b 9

Also, my configuration is boot Bering 1.2 from CD, with packages backed
up to a msdos 1.44 mb floppy.  So, easy to transfer the new
shorewall-2.0.9.lrp from a windoze box  (for those still enslaved, as am
But the partial backup feature has been preserved since Dachstein.

If you're booting off of CD, you should be doing partial backups to your floppy, so upgrading is simply a matter of replacing the CD and re-booting.

If you don't want to burn a new CD, you can use a similar procedure to what was described and do a FULL backup to the configration disk (handy for smaller packages, but you'd probably want to burn a new CD for larger packages like ssh). If you do this, just make sure you never do a partial backup, or you'll revert back to the older version on the CD (although your config files will not be lost), so burning a new CD image is the safest bet.

Charles Steinkuehler

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