cpu memhd wrote:

I asked this question before but received no replies, I will ask again,
if anyone knows…

Is it possible to create environment variables in linux/unix like you
would in DOS using CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT? That is, a variable that
is accessible to any subsequent running program?

I vaguely remember reading sometime back that this was not possible
because of fundamental differences between DOS/Win and Unix. While I do
know you can set environment variables in /etc/profile, the problem is
they are only accessible to a logged in user, not the system.

For a truely system-wide environment settings, set them as part of init (you do feel comfortable hacking init, right? :), or prior to launching init (see the debian initrd scripts for sarge for an example of a shell script that launches init).

Exactly why you would want to do this is somewhat beyond me. IMHO, you should spend time and effort bringing your thought process around to the linux/unix way of doing things, rather than trying to squeeze linux into a DOS mold...

Charles Steinkuehler

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