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Tibbs, Richard wrote:

| Anyhoo, while I was there I spotted icmp_ratelimit and icmp_ratemask.
| These files have values 100 and 6168 respectively.
| Couple of questions raised there:
| Is the icmp_ratelimit active even if you don't turn on rate limiting in
| Shorewall?

These are kernel paramters, so Shorewall shouldn't affect them (unless it's
trying to overwrite them with some other value(s)).

| How do I interpret the 6168?

~From a quick google:

(integer) /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ratelimit
(integer) /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ratemask
~    Together, these two variables allow you to limit how frequently
specified ICMP packets are generated. icmp_ratelimit defines how many
packets that match the icmp_ratemask per jiffie (a unit of time, a 1/100th
of a second on most architectures) are allowed. The ratemask is a logical OR
of all the ICMP codes you wish to rate limit. (See /usr/include/linux/icmp.h
for the actual values.) The default mask includes destination unreachable,
source quench, time exceeded and parameter problem. If you increase the
limit, you can slow down or potentially confuse port scans, but you may
inhibit legitimate network error indicators.

6168 is 0x1818 hex, which according to icmp.h looks like the default setting
listed above.  For reference:

#define ICMP_ECHOREPLY          0       /* Echo Reply                   */
#define ICMP_DEST_UNREACH       3       /* Destination Unreachable      */
#define ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH      4       /* Source Quench                */
#define ICMP_REDIRECT           5       /* Redirect (change route)      */
#define ICMP_ECHO               8       /* Echo Request                 */
#define ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED      11      /* Time Exceeded                */
#define ICMP_PARAMETERPROB      12      /* Parameter Problem            */
#define ICMP_TIMESTAMP          13      /* Timestamp Request            */
#define ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY     14      /* Timestamp Reply              */
#define ICMP_INFO_REQUEST       15      /* Information Request          */
#define ICMP_INFO_REPLY         16      /* Information Reply            */
#define ICMP_ADDRESS            17      /* Address Mask Request         */
#define ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY       18      /* Address Mask Reply           */
#define NR_ICMP_TYPES           18

...each number is a bit position, take 2 to the power of the bit position to
get an integer (ie: ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED = 2^11 = 2048 = 0x0800).  Add the
integers together to form a mask value.

ie: to add ICIMP_REDIRECT, ICMP_ECHOREPLY and ICMP_ECHO to your default
setting of 0x1818:

ICMP_ECHOREPLY = 2^0 =    1 = 0x0001
ICMP_REDIRECT  = 2^5 =   32 = 0x0020
ICMP_ECHO      = 2^8 =  256 = 0x0100
old value            = 6168 = 0x1818
new value            = 6457 = 0x1939

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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