I'm using Bering uClibc on a small home network several of whose users
are teenagers.  We've just moved from an old floppy-based system to a
WRAP board so that there'll be room for software to enforce time-based
internet access restrictions -- meant to get them sleeping when they'd
rather be surfing and chatting with friends.

While webconf is really cool, I'm concerned that it makes it too easy
for the kids to change things.  While you need the root password to
use lrcfg, you need only an easily-sniffable http-access password to
use webconf.  I'd like a way to make webconf read-only so that it can
be used for status information the way weblet was.  Is there any way to
do this?

Alternatively, could I just go back to using weblet?  Webconf is so much
more powerful I'm expecting weblet to be deprecated, but perhaps weblet
remains the right tool for folks like me?

Thanks, as always, for LEAF.

* From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            
*        Crosswords 4.1.1 for PalmOS now ARM-native: xwords.sourceforge.net  *

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