Andrew Nance wrote:

I want to run a 32 MB IDE flash memory as my HD for bering uclibc 2.2.3.
According to the directions, I need to give it a first bootable partition
and DOS format it.

Call me a stupid noob but I don't know how to do that.  The drive is 6
months old but I have never ever used it before.

Would someone please give me instructions on how to do this using windows
XP. I could also  but could also use knoppix if its easier.


Sorry - I scrambled things and sent it inadvertently. You can make a LEAF boot diskette - strip the LRPs not needed and install ideutil.lrp and do all the stuff like
syslinux -s /dev/hda  etc

or you can go to and fdisk and format it in DOS. This is a mess to do in Widows because it locks the CF

Make sure the machine you set it up on has the bios setup to correctly read the CF if you are using a CF to IDE adaptor


format c:

syslinux -s c: using (download from the net as this is the DOS program not syslinux.exe

You can copy the LRPs with DOS copy or windows explorer (CF - usb adaptor) or linux cp

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