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marvin horst wrote:
| I've run out of older boxes to use for my leaf servers. Are there any
| hardware recommendations for a nice compact setup?
|  My one box needs 4 network ports because I'm routing between 3 local
| subnets and the internet. The other boxes would need 3 network ports. I'm
| also running openvpn across the internet between leaf servers. I was
| thinking of upgrading to gigabit ethernet but I'm not sure how much
| 'horsepower' is required.
| Currently I'm running Bering uClib on 1.0 Ghz Celeron with about 256Mb
| memory using 10/100 ethernet cards and booting from CD with setup
saving to
| floppy. This is working okay but my old hardware is starting to die
off. I'd
| like to have a server thats smaller in size and also not boot from the
| floppy anymore.

I just setup a couple of Teak 3258 boxes and I've been pretty happy with
them.  They're 1U rack-mount and fanless:

I actually needed more than 4 network ports on one system, but I
cheated.  I run 4 802.1q VLANs over eth2, which gives me 6 usable
interfaces (eth0-1 & vlan2-5) and leaves eth3 as a spare.

You might be able to do something similar with the boxes that only have
2 or 3 interfaces if you've got a switch that supports tagged VLANs.  I
had to upgrade my switch (to a NetGear GS724T) to support VLANs, but I
got to migrate to GigE in the process.  :)

For traffic going mostly to and from the internet, sending multiple
networks through the same interface using VLANs doesn't cause any
traffic congestion...at least on my cable-modem which maxes out around
5-6 MBits/s (vs 100 MBit ethernet ports).

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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