> Theoretically, yes. Practically I would not even think about it.
> If you can guarantee the uniqueness of all addresses within the various
> networks you could use tap to bridge the networks. I do not recommend it.
> Renumber one of the sites.
Thanks! The issue had arise because we were using the same configdb.lrp and 
moddb.lrp files only changing shorewall rules, pap-secrets files, etc. for all 
of the sites. Up till now, there is no need to VPN between any of them! 
Renumbering is not as simple, as many of the devices such as network plotters, 
printers, fax machines, Asterisk PBX, IP phones, LAMP servers, etc. all had 
fixed IP addresses. We have learnt the hard way. Hope this help someone else in 
the future.

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