Hi Rob,

Since your NICs use different drivers one option is to force the drivers to load
in a particular order by listing them on the kernel command line.

In *linux.cfg, specify something like the following:
    APPEND reboot=bios KMODULES=driver1,driver2,driver3

See also 


On 5 Aug 2013, at 19:46, Rob Ogle wrote:

> I just loaded v5.0 on a box with 4 nics. The nics use different drivers.
> The problem is, the addresses are statically assigned and they load in a
> different order on each reboot. So, I have to play "musical network cables"
> until I figure out which nic is eth0, eth1 and so on.
> How can I specify that they load in a certain order?
> Linux firewall 3.4.48-i486 #1 Thu Jun 13 18:22:28 CEST 2013 i686 GNU/Linux
> cat /mnt/readme
> LEAF "Bering-uClibc" Firewall - 5.0
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