On Mon 2008-09-15T09:16:45 -0700, Rob Seaman hath writ:
> (Although I'm not sure wikipedia will serve
> to preserve civilization through the coming collapse :-)

Not a chance.  Wikipedia is the realization of Bradbury's wall viewers
in Fahrenheit 451.  The view it gives is always changing.

The story it gives about the decisions that spawned this newsgroup
are paraphrases of memoirs by folks who wrote down the story the
way they wish it had played out at the time.  I can't say how much
I value the paper in the Lick library for showing what folks were
really thinking back then.

Along those lines ...
The earliest use of the term UTC as such (and TUC in the French) that
I have found is in the Jan/Feb 1964 Bulletin Horaire from the BIH.
This was the first issue done by Guinot after Anna Stoyko gave it up.

Does anyone know of a use of the term UTC/TUC which predates that?

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