On 2014-01-17 04:06 AM, Zefram wrote:
E) Because "Leap Seconds" are at the center of the "kill Leap
Seconds" debate,
            we also rename (our beloved) "Leap Seconds".
Respelling isn't going to fool most of the people in this debate.

Nobody is trying to fool anybody. I think there are several reasons to change the name -

A) If you establish a new timescale that includes the "Leap Seconds mechanism" you'd better rename it to make it clear its part of this new timescale, not some other.

B) As I've suggested CCT, with its proleptic UTC/TAI, and recognizing how that NTP includes the a Leap Seconds, we are actually using the "Leap Second mechanism" in the proleptic portion of the timescale. That is not "Leap Seconds" proper. Better rename it.

C) The CCT timescale will need to define clear rules how "Leap Seconds" apply to "local time". This is not addressed by the existing "Leap Seconds" definition(s). Better rename it.

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