Rob Seaman scripsit:

> So the calendar is either immutable - or it isn't :-)

The Gregorian calendar is immutable.  Whether it is in use at a certain
place is not.  Local time is on the Gregorian calendar today in the
U.S., but might conceivably be on the Revised Julian or even the Islamic
calendar a century hence.

> The Gregorian calendar succeeded the Julian, just as the Julian
> succeeded what came before.

But not everywhere at the same time, nor entirely.  There are still
versions of Orthodox Christianity that use the Julian calendar, the
decision being one for each autocephalous church within the Orthodox
communion.  To say nothing of Nova Scotia, which was first Gregorian,
then Julian, then Gregorian again.

Historians aren't exactly consistent on the question.  In European
history, dates are Julian or Gregorian depending on the location;
dates in East Asian history seem to be proleptic Gregorian.

(ObOddity:  It seems that in Israel, which is on UTC+3, the legal
day begins at 1800 local time the day before.  This simplifies
the accommodation of Israeli and traditional Jewish law.)

After fixing the Y2K bug in an application:     John Cowan
        WELCOME TO <censored>                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        DATE: MONDAK, JANUARK 1, 1900 

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