Rob Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The point is, however, that nothing - absolutely nothing -
> would then protect legal timekeeping in the U.S. or elsewhere from
> the whims of future timekeepers at the ITU.
> Say we go with leap hours.  UTC isn't therefore less malleable than
> currently - but rather more so in the only sense that matters for
> legal timekeeping.  That is, a small entrenched committee would be
> able to vote arbitrary changes to international time precisely
> because the standard would no longer be tied to any physical
> phenomena.  One might wonder why changes might be made.  I'll only
> point out - why not?  What in practice would stop these individuals
> from leaping the clock forward or backward at will, or from changing
> the rate of UTC, or for that matter from making the clocks run
> backwards?

We already have a historical precedent for this kind of manipulation --
corrupt Roman calendar keeper priests who adjusted the calendar to
extend or shorten the term of office of various elected officials.


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