From: Peter Bunclark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LEAPSECS] what time is it, legally?
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:05:00 +0000


> On Wed, 13 Dec 2006, Ed Davies wrote:
> > Rob Seaman wrote:
> > > I'm given to wonder how much of the friction on this mailing list is
> > > simply due to the shortcomings in the technology that implements it.
> > > I've appended a message I sent in August with four plots attached.  Can
> > > someone tell me whether it is readable now or was successfully delivered
> > > back then?  I rummaged around on the list archive and on archives
> > > accessibly via google and find no copy of this message that survived the
> > > communications medium.
> >
> > In Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux it looked fine in both your original
> > post and the repeat you attached - so any problems are down to the
> > reader and not the transmission, I think.
> >
> > Ed.
> >
> Fine on Solaris 10.

I concurr, it worked nice on Debian Linux using Mew in Emacs. I had nice graphs
and everything. You need to look elsewere (i.e. more locally) to find the


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