Steve Allen said:
> One of the most challenging Gregorian calender problems is the date
> of the day after Thanksgiving in the US.  Thanksgiving is the 4th
> Thursday in November.  The day after is a Friday, but it is not
> necessarily the 4th Friday.

Why is this challenging? It's whichever of 23 to 29 November (inclusive) is
a Friday.

For something more challenging, try the 8 Bank Holidays in England:

(1) First weekday (i.e. Monday to Friday) of the year.
(2) Good Friday, using UK Statute Law definition of Easter.
(3) Easter Monday, ditto.
(4) First Monday in May.
(5) Last Monday in May [*].
(6) Last Monday in August.
(7) First weekday after 24th December.
(8) Second weekday after 24th December.

[*] Except, if memory serves, in one recent  year when it was moved to
the first Monday in June.

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