On Wed, 2016-05-04 at 17:31 -0400, Aaron Z wrote:
> On many (most?) mailing lists, there is a prefix on all subjects
> which has the list name (such as [OpenWRT-Devel])
> Can this prefix be added for this list (or is that an option that I
> missed when I signed up)?

It's the Mailman default, but it is deliberately disabled on this list
(as on many other technical lists where the members are expected to be
able to drive their email client properly).

There are much better things to filter list traffic on — the SMTP
reverse-path (often in a Return-Path: header after delivery) is most
reliable, or the various standard List-* headers that the list adds,
which kind of work for most of the common cases.

If you really want list traffic in your inbox instead of a separate
folder, and you want to mark it differently, then you should be able to
do that locally instead of polluting the Subject header with redundant
information that obscures the *real* subject that the sender typed, for


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