I agree with having somehow a full build available for new users.
Now that "market" seems to be catered by custom images published by some in the 
Owrt forum and consumed by many who want a better router firmware but don't 
know how to build it, and most probably don't even want to know or take the 
time to set up all the environment to just build an image only once to flash 
the router and forget about it (for all this many end up using other 
"friendlier" projects, like I did myself for quite some time - without 
realizing what I was missing!).

As I see it the "buildme" script doesn't address that problem, as you still 
need to build.

I would take a different approach:

+ for the ones willing to actually build themselves I think than jow's idea of 
a good "how to" should do
+ for the rest (I'm assuming it's the majority) I would do a "full" or "moded" 
metapackage for each target with the most important extras (assuming a fair 
agreement can be reached on which are those).
That way anyone can just flash a nightly build and with just one "opkg" upgrade 
to a full build, closer to an "out of the box" experience without sacrificing 
much of the spirit, and with much less need for maintenance, and very little 

The idea could be further elaborated - and perhaps it already was, and was 
discarded :).
Factory images (the entry point to LEDE for newcomers) could have at least a 
basic LUCI so that the "full" opkg installation could be easily done without 
needing to ssh into the router (in Windows even for that you need to install 
additional software to your PC).
For sysupgrade, once you are already with LEDE, I would add an option "download 
and reinstall currently installed packages" to complement the keep settings 
option. If one wants a really quick upgrade.

Sorry for the long mail. I found Owrt/LEDE a great product and easing its 
adoption is really worth. 

> El 01/06/2016, a las 1:26 p.m., Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> escribió:
> To fork this discussion mildly, I would like to see a fuller build,
> including the luci gui, available, somehow, somewhere, so that newer
> users can get a working config "out of the box" from the daily builds.
> Also, at least on the archer c7v2, the ath10k kmod and firmware were
> not included in the default build.
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