* Jan-Tarek Butt <ta...@ring0.de> [02.10.2016 17:48]:
> As a part of code quallity enhancemend and prevenition. We can do an ondemand 
> daemon as engine to
> check all shell scrips. We can use the opensource Project shellcheck [0].
> My idea is to do an insatnce on a server:
> This insatnce can pull the lede repo daily and run some thing like:
> find . -type f -name "*.sh" | xargs shellcheck
> if something news pulled and shellcheck detecs some misstating we can send 
> via bsd-mailx
> on our ML the shellceck output.
> Sould I build something for that?

it's not *that* easy. for now the shell-codebase has *thousands* of
errors. we need something that checks small parts (e.g. functions)
and compares the error-count before and after. the output of this
approach should maybe be included in the commit-message.

also we must "mute" some "errors", e.g. the usage of 
'local' in functions, which is not POSIX (but is in the
process of inclusion)

bye, bastian 

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