I rebased about an hour ago and then tried to rebuild everything.  Now I’m 
seeing what’s below.

I looked at the commit logs, though, and nothing stands out as a likely 
culprit… except maybe the bump from 4.9.40 to 4.9.44.

If I rebase back to

d9564d7 bcm53xx: backport DTS commits that setup USB LEDs

then things build again.

. /home/philipp/bertram/lede/include/shell.sh; export modules=; probe_module() 
{ local mods="$1"; local boot="$2"; local params="$3"; local mod; shift 3; for 
mod in $mods; do mkdir -p 
 local mod_params=""; for param in $params; do case $param in $mod.*) 
mod_params="$mod_params \"${param#$mod.}\""; ;; *.*) ;; *) 
mod_params="$mod_params \"$param\""; ;; esac; done; echo "$mod$mod_params" >> 
 done; if [ -e 
 ]; then if [ "$boot" = "1" -a ! -e 
 ]; then mkdir -p 
 ln -s ../modules.d/ipt-nathelper-rtsp 
 fi; modules="${modules:+$modules }$mods"; fi; }; add_module() { local 
priority="$1"; local mods="$2"; local boot="$3"; local params="$4"; local mod; 
shift 4; for mod in $mods; do mkdir -p 
 local mod_params=""; for param in $params; do case $param in $mod.*) 
mod_params="$mod_params \"${param#$mod.}\""; ;; *.*) ;; *) 
mod_params="$mod_params \"$param\""; ;; esac; done; echo "$mod$mod_params" >> 
 done; if [ -e 
 ]; then if [ "$boot" = "1" -a ! -e 
 ]; then mkdir -p 
 ln -s ../modules.d/$priority-ipt-nathelper-rtsp 
 fi; modules="${modules:+$modules }$priority-ipt-nathelper-rtsp"; fi; }; 
probe_module "nf_conntrack_rtsp nf_nat_rtsp" "" ""; if [ -n "$modules" ]; then 
modules="$(echo "$modules" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq | paste -s -d' ' -)"; 
mkdir -p 
 mkdir -p 
 echo "#!/bin/sh" > 
 echo "[ -z \"\$IPKG_INSTROOT\" ] || exit 0" >> 
 echo ". /lib/functions.sh" >> 
 echo "insert_modules $modules" >> 
 chmod 0755 
 -name 'CVS' -o -name '.svn' -o -name '.#*' -o -name '*~'| xargs -r rm -rf
Package kmod-ipt-nathelper-rtsp is missing dependencies for the following 
Makefile:128: recipe for target 
make[3]: *** 
 Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
package/Makefile:109: recipe for target 
'package/network/utils/xtables-addons/compile' failed
make[2]: *** [package/network/utils/xtables-addons/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/philipp/bertram/lede'
package/Makefile:105: recipe for target 
make[1]: *** 
 Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/philipp/bertram/lede'
/home/philipp/bertram/lede/include/toplevel.mk:207: recipe for target 'world' 

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