On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 3:57 AM, Outback Dingo <outbackdi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah i can do tthat, as a side note, do you know anything about
> cpu_scaling or thermal management on this board maybe ? it runs
> terribly hot

As you guys worked out the GW5520 does not use the i.MX6 FEC GbE and
instead has 2x Intel i210 mac/phy devices requiring the igb driver.
This was done for performance reasons as the i.MX6 FEC is bandwidth
limited due to it's internal bus routing to the SoC.

Regarding the board running hot I can say the following:
- there's about 1.2W of power on the PCIe bridge. The i.MX6 only has a
single PCIe host controller so we need a bridge for the 2x GbE's and
the 2x miniPCI sockets. We have not found any way to lower the power
draw of the PLX switch
- to reduce power draw on the i.MX6 (where the rest of the heat is
coming from) you can use CPU frequency scaling as suggested
- adjust your thermal solution to your enclosure / mouting. We have
many customer that use thermal gap filling pads on both the i.MX6 as
well as the PLX PCIe switch to get heat off the board

Please feel free to send questions to supp...@gateworks.com - I
happened across this post rather randomly.



Tim Harvey - Principal Software Engineer
Gateworks Corporation - http://www.gateworks.com/
3026 S. Higuera St. San Luis Obispo CA 93401

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