John Wiegley wrote:
Martin Blais pointed out to me a while back that some of Ledger's naming choices are at odds with standard accounting terminology, most pointedly my use of the word "transaction".

Therefore, today I checked in the following global name change in 3.0:

   To better follow naming standards used in the accounting community --
particularly those relating to double-entry accounting -- the following
   technical terms in Ledger have been changed:

    - what was "entry" is now "transaction"
    - what was "transaction" is now "posting"

   Correspondingly, the shorthand names "entry" and "xact" have been
   changed to "xact" and "post", respectively.

This may be confusing for a little while, but I think it was a change that needed to be made. Thanks to Martin for sticking by his guns and insisting.

Sounds good, hledger will follow suit after an appropriate interval.

But, I detest xact! What about the more melodious "txn" ? :)

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