I am just starting to use Ledger, and have created a new data file for

(1) Right now, I have dates formatted as "YYYY/MM/DD" in the data file
(e.g. 2011/01/17). But when I run Ledger on it it reports "invalid
date string" for every line a date appears in the file.

Question: What can I do to alleviate this error? Do I have to specify
a date format for Ledger somehow?

(2) I have entries for my mutual fund and stock investments, like
(obviously I've modified the actual values and names):

2004/05/14 * Investment balance
assets:brokerage 50 AAPL @ $30.00
equity:opening balances

Question: As my shares change in price and/or as I buy/sell shares,
what's an easy way for me to enter those events into my Ledger file?

Thanks for helping out a newbie.

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