Seppo Sade <> writes:

> Currently Ledger seems to format output to a default width of 80
> characters for register output. When generating such output in e.g. an
> Emacs buffer in a standard 80 character wide terminal, each 80-
> character line gets wrapped (because Emacs needs to insert a line-
> wrapping marker at the end, so there is no space for the last 80th
> character which has to go on a new line).
> Would it make sense to limit the default output to 79 characters
> instead to accomodate for editors having this behavior? It is just a
> minor annoyance, but still an annoyance when you do e.g. M-! "ledger -
> f data reg" and each entry is spread out over two lines, when ledger
> clearly tries to put it on a single line by limiting it to 80
> characters.

Ledger 3 adapts to whatever $COLUMNS is set to, or you can use --columns=X in
your ~/.ledgerrc to setup a different default.


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