>>>>> rtjmay  <ryan-wtxsuusx66j3fq9qlvq...@public.gmane.org> writes:

> I'm having an issue with Ledger's XML output. I'm using version 2.6.2 from
> the Ubuntu 10.10 repo, and when I generate XML (using 'ledger xml') the
> information on currency type (commodity) is lost.

> I use CAD and USD to represent Canadian and U.S, dollars, with CAD set as
> the default. But, the commodity tag for every transaction is empty,
> containing only a newline and some whitespace:

>             <amount>
>               <commodity flags="S">
>                               </commodity>
>               <quantity>483.72</quantity>
>             </amount>

> I am doing something wrong or is this a bug?

I think it's a bug, but I am no longer supporting the 2.x series.  Can you
please try building the current beta from Git, and see if you still have a


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