Hi! Thanks for resurrecting this thread. Here it is in order, probably required 
reading for anyone else to make sense of this: 

More recent notes:

1. hledger's add-on commands are more discoverable and easier to install now 
http://hledger.org/download.html#d <http://hledger.org/download.html#d>)

2. hledger's equity command has been improved slightly, and now always 
generates valid journal entries

3. summarising accountingtools.com <http://accountingtools.com/>: in 
traditional accounting, the "close the books" operation moves revenue and 
expense balances into the "equity:retained earnings" account, optionally via an 
"income summary" account, in order to see the total net income for a period.

4. My "zero out assets/liabilities at file boundary" operation, in order to 
preserve balances in single and multi-file reporting, is a different operation, 
though it is at least mechanically similar.

5. In h/ledger, instead of "closing the books" we normally just filter 
revenues/expenses by date. Eg: hledger bal -p 2016 revenues expenses

6. But if we did want to close the books, the hledger-equity command can do it. 
Zero out revenues/expenses, keep only the closing balances transaction, and 
change the last posting to "equity:retained earnings", eg:

  hledger-equity -f 2016.journal -e 2017/1/1 revenues expenses | hledger -I -f- 
print desc:closing --alias '/closing balances/=retained earnings'

7. Now I see why the command is named "equity", and I think that name is ok.

8. Having recently done a bunch of fixes in old journal files, where I had to 
update the closing and opening entries in each intervening year file, I am 
finding the "zero out assets/liabilities at file boundary" approach a bit 
tedious. Is there a better way ? Reminder, the main goal is to preserve correct 
asset/liability balances in both single-file and multi-file reports. I thought 
of dropping the "closing balances" transaction and having a magical "opening 
balances" transaction that's used only when it's an account's first posting. 
Pro: half as much boilerplate and updating when fixing old transactions, and 
when starting a new journal. Con: more magical, ending balances are no longer 
recorded and asserted at file end. 

Thoughts ?

> On Mar 8, 2017, at 12:07 AM, André Fincato <a.finc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> `clopening` then, also by reading what it means through the link you shared, 
> seems a good option.
> Regarding the option to make it a standard command: I think it might 
> potentially be used more if you document it as part of the set of options 
> through which you can interact with you hledger.journal, so I would lean 
> toward including it.
> I will check again `hledger-equity.hs` tomorrow. Completely forgot about this 
> thread.
> Which prompts me to say that, I find it very hard to come and check this 
> google group to keep up with things. Not sure where to move it, though, 
> beside making an /r/hledger. But if other people find it easier to discuss 
> here, I understand also that.
> Also, is the irc channel still active? Would be curious to hang around there 
> every now and then.
> On Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 6:50:00 PM UTC+1, Simon Michael (sm) wrote:
> Thanks for the input André.
> I didn't understand how installing the add-on failed. Any more details ?
> Also, although I've been using and talking about these matched 
> assets/liabilities to and from zero transactions at year file boundaries for 
> years,  until now I haven't heard of anybody else doing the same thing. Is 
> the technique useful enough to be a built-in command, or is everybody else 
> doing something different ? (for those of you just tuning in: see the 
> hledger-equity doc below for the use case).
> Re two commands rather than one, I thought that running the "open" command 
> against the old journal might be a bit non-obvious:
> hledger close -f 2016.journal  assets liabilities  # "makes sense"
> hledger open -f 2016.journal  assets liabilities  # "weird, aren't I opening 
> a 2017 journal ?"
> Also, I thought that you would pretty much always be running "close" and then 
> "open", so why not make it a more convenient single command. 
> If two commands, "open" and "close" are nice easy words, but too overloaded 
> with other meanings, probably (?):
> 1. "Closing the books" has a definite meaning in accounting (see below)
> 2. opening and closing is a familiar operation on real-world accounts 
> (creating and destroying)
> 3. Beancount's journal format has open and close keywords for modelling 2, 
> which we might want to support in future
> Other ideas besides your suggestion: zero/unzero ? tozero/fromzero ? 
> tofromzero ? endingbalanceclopen ?
> In Ledger and hledger this command uses a hard-coded "equity:..." account 
> name as the balancing account. Is that always what you want ? Is "equity" the 
> right word after all ? If someone could explain why it's the best name for 
> this command, I'll happily leave it alone. 
> About 1, accountingtools.com <http://accountingtools.com/> says:
> Closing entries are journal entries used to empty temporary accounts at the 
> end of a reporting period and transfer their balances into permanent 
> accounts. The use of closing entries resets the temporary accounts to begin 
> accumulating new transactions in the next period. Otherwise, the balances in 
> these accounts would be incorrectly included in the totals for the following 
> reporting period.
> The basic sequence of closing entries is:
>       • Debit all revenue accounts and credit the income summary account, 
> thereby clearing out the balances in the revenue accounts.
>       • Credit all expense accounts and debit the income summary account, 
> thereby clearing out the balances in all expense accounts.
>       • Close the income summary account to the retained earnings account. If 
> there was a profit in the period, then this entry is a debit to the income 
> summary account and a credit to the retained earnings account. If there was a 
> loss in the period, then this entry is a credit to the income summary account 
> and a debit to the retained earnings account.
> The net result of these activities is to move the net profit or loss for the 
> period into the retained earnings account, which appears in the stockholders' 
> equity section of the balance sheet.
> Since the income summary account is only a transitional account, it is also 
> acceptable to close directly to the retained earnings account and bypass the 
> income summary account entirely.
> Soo.. as usual, a bit different from our language. How do these people manage 
> without a hierarchical account names ? :) I guess "retained earnings" is a 
> kind of equity ?
> Cc'ing the Ledger list for more advice.
>> On Jan 1, 2017, at 9:03 AM, André Fincato < <>a.fi 
>> <http://a.fi/>...@gmail.com <http://gmail.com/>> wrote:
>> [I'm not an English native speaker]
>> 1. I also think this should be a built-in feature! I did it manually myself 
>> today, and was good as a first-time exercise to understand the procedure, 
>> but having a command that does that automatically would be great.
>> 2. I tried to install the add-on but did not succeed (got last in placing 
>> the file within the PATH variable)
>> 3. `clopening` looks a bit weird IMHO, `equity` still sounds better though 
>> confusing to the actual actions done. Was thinking about that maybe it's 
>> clearer to have a command to close assets and equity balances and one to 
>> open them?
>> What about `clear-out` and `clear-in` to respectively close a journal and 
>> opening a new one?
>> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:18:43 PM UTC+2, Simon Michael (sm) wrote:
>> extra/hledger-equity.hs is similar to Ledger's "equity" command. Ours 
>> generates two opposite transactions that zero out and restore some account 
>> balances. More detail:
>> hledger-equity [HLEDGEROPTS] [QUERY]
>> Show a "closing balances" transaction that brings the balance of all
>> accounts (or the matched accounts) to zero, and an opposite
>> "opening balances" transaction that restores the balances from zero.
>> The opening balances transaction is useful to carry over
>> asset/liability balances if you choose to start a new journal file,
>> eg at the beginning of the year.
>> The closing balances transaction is useful to zero out balances in
>> the old file, which gives you the option of reporting on both files
>> at once while still seeing correct balances.
>> Balances are calculated, and the opening transaction is dated, as of
>> the report end date, which you should specify with -e or date: (and
>> the closing transaction is dated one day earlier). If not specified,
>> it defaults to today.
>> If any matched account directly contains multiple commodities, the
>> output may not be valid journal syntax, and will need some editing.
>> Example:
>> $ hledger equity -f 2015.journal -e 2016/1/1 assets liabilities 
>> >>2015.journal
>> move opening balances txn to 2016.journal
>> Open question: how to handle txns spanning a file boundary ? Eg:
>> 2015/12/30 * food
>>     expenses:food:dining   $10
>>     assets:bank:checking  -$10  ; date:2016/1/4
>> I think the "equity" name is unclear, and I'd like to call it something more 
>> descriptive. The best I've come up with is "clopening". Can you do better ? 
>> This one kind of exists: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=clopening 
>> <https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=clopening>
>> (I don't think it matters that we deviate from Ledger here; we can still 
>> support "equity" as an alias.) 
>> Also I was thinking this should be a built-in command instead of an add-on. 
>> Maybe that's true for other things in extra/ and elsewhere, I'm not really 
>> sure where to draw the line. Currently it's not that easy to 
>> discover/install/use add-ons, so having more things built in is convenient.
>> -- 
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