John Wiegley wrote at 2017-03-16 19:22 -0500:
Strange, I tried your command here on my own ledger file, and --empty causes the "=0" accounts to all appear... Maybe some other interaction is happening.

Thanks for your reply!

Do you mind testing on the attached journal file (test.dat)?

I get the following result with ledger 3.1.1-20160111.

$ ledger --verbose --file test.dat --empty bal
   0ms  [INFO]  Ledger starting
   1ms  [INFO]  Parsing file "/home/user/test.dat"
   2ms  [INFO]  Read journal file (1ms)
   2ms  [INFO]  Found 2 transactions
                $80  Assets
                $20  Expenses:Food
              $-100  Income
   7ms  [INFO]  Finished executing command (3ms)
   8ms  [INFO]  Ledger ended

Do have any ideas for further testing?



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account Assets
account Expenses
account Expenses:Clothing
account Expenses:Food
account Income

2017-03-15 Employer
    Income             $-100
    Assets              $100

2017-03-15 Restaurant
    Assets              $-20
    Expenses:Food        $20

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