On 10/20/17 1:46 PM, John Lee wrote:
I guess I should either dust off my very dusty C++ and try to fix it, or
try one of the ledger spinoffs like beancount... maybe there are
beancount / hledger people here who can comment re whether those systems
have ways to tackle the problem from the thread linked above?

Hi John,

I think you're referring to the fact that Ledger's balance assertions check the exclusive balance only ? (excluding any subaccount balances).

hledger's balance assertions do the same, for compatibility. Sometimes you want that (though I forget why ?). Sometimes it is a pain. We have talked about adding new balance assertion syntax to check inclusive balances. https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/290

There's also the issue of whether to check just the commodity of the asserted amount, or the whole multicommodity balance of the asserted account. Ledger and hledger currently do the former. https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/195


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