On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 2:42 AM, John Wiegley <jwieg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>>>> "o" == o1bigtenor  <o1bigte...@gmail.com> writes:
> o> So - - -  this is thanks for a great program (really looking forward to
> o> ledger 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and a very considerate and helpful group of
> users.
> Thanks o1bigtenor,
> While there is certain to be more progress from other projects in the
> Ledger
> universe, there will likely never be a version 4.0 of C++ Ledger. I simply
> can't think of anything of significance to add to the core engine to
> justify
> such a bump.
> However, there are a ton of improvements waiting to happen in the world of
> scriptability, interactivity, reporting for consumption by non-Ledger
> users,
> integrating with expense reporting and booking systems, mobile devices,
> etc.
> Fortunately, none of this should need additional support in the core
> engine,
> since it's really about the data, not the C++ query and reporting tool
> (which
> is really all that Ledger is).
> So, do look forward to many years of stability to come, and let's hope
> there
> is much more excitement to be seen in your financial future, than the tool
> used to track it! :)

Thank you for those very kind thoughts.
I have been thinking of things that would enhance the use of ledger even
high degrees of complexity are being required of it. (Herewith I'm thinking
transactions where the transaction is broken into a multitude of sub-parts
to taxation rules and separation required in the business use of personal
resources and the converse. But that is for another day.)

Thank you again for an elegant tool!



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