Thank you for your quick reply; and I apologize for asking nearly the same 
question I previously asked 
<> (more 
than 10 years ago!). (That's why I quickly tried to remove my OP from 

For my purposes here, "-n" works well enough. And, from Martin's response, 
I agree that #1901 looks like an even better soluion in general. So I'm all 
set for now.

But just so as I'm not leaving you hanging, here's a simple example:

2022/9/1   Safeway
    Expenses:Food:Groceries   $10.00

2022/9/15  KFC
    Expenses:Food:Chicken   $5.00

2022/9/21   Another
    Expenses:Food   $1.23

The sum that I want for the monthly total is $16.23. But if I type `ledger 
-M --depth 2 reg` I get $1.23.

On Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 5:39:34 PM UTC-8 wrote:

> >>>>> "A" == Alan <> writes:
> A> I have some of my Expense accounts organized hierarchically. For 
> example,
> A> rather than simply "Expenses:Food" I have a few accounts, such as:
> A> Expenses:Food:Groceries
> A> Expenses:Food:Chicken
> A> Expenses:Food: ... (a few others)
> A> But now I would like to get a weekly or monthly subtotal (using `-W` or
> A> `-M`), summed across all Food categories. If I just query `reg
> A> Expenses:Food` then of course as a regular expression that matches all 
> of
> A> the sub-categories individually. If I add `--depth 2` then it ignores 
> all
> A> the subcategories, reporting only the cases where the ledger has just
> A> "Expenses:Food" exactly.
> Actually, `--depth 2` should be exactly what you need, according to the 
> --help
> description:
> Limit the depth of displayed accounts in balance and register reports. Any
> accounts of greater depth are folded into their parent at the specified
> level. For example with --depth 2 the account
> Expenses:Entertainment:Dining would be folded into Expenses:Entertainment
> for display. Importantly, this is a display predicate, which means it only
> affects display, not the total calculations.
> I'm rather surprised if it is truncating the totals as you describe. Can 
> you
> reproduce the issue in a small test case?
> John


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