
I'm using zsh so entered:

ledger reg ^exp and "(%tag1 | %tag2)" 

The results were for tag2 only. 

I used the group-by tag as follows:

ledger reg ^exp and expr "(has_meta('tag1') or has_meta('tag2'))" 
--group-by tag('tag1')

The results was:

zsh: missing delimiter for 'u' glob qualifier

Thoughts on either result?
On Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 6:08:28 PM UTC-6 wrote:

> >>>>> "J" == Jasel17212 <> writes:
> J> Is there a shorthand way to write the following query?
> J> ledger reg ^exp and expr "has_meta('tag1')" or ^exp and expr
> J> "has_meta('tag2')"
> You may need to escape it from your shell, but this should do it:
> ledger reg ^exp & (%tag1 | %tag2)
> J> ledger reg ^exp and expr "has_meta('tag1')" or ^exp and expr
> J> "has_meta('tag2')" --group-by ????
> --group-by tag('tag1')
> John


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