After updating to 3.3.2, I was getting errors like this with my commodities:

While parsing file <something.ldg>, line 6:
Error: commodity directive symbol abc and format directive symbol  should 
be the same

Note the two spaces between "symbol" and "should". Looks like there is no 
format directive symbol. Commodities look like this:

commodity $
    format $ 1,000.00

commodity abc
    format 1,000.000000

commodity xyz
    format 1,000.000

And many more entries. I've been using these for many years. Every format 
line after the first one produced an error like the above when I ran the 
file through ledger.

Adding the commodity to the format line makes the error go away:

commodity abc
    format abc 1,000.000000

Was I doing it wrong all this time and just getting away with it?

Figured I'd share as an FYI that something changed with this, and to help 
others that might run into the same error.

Thank you!


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