On Tuesday 06 May 2014 12:32:52 RJ Clay wrote:
> On 05/06/2014 04:12 AM, Thierry Chatelet wrote:
> > On Monday 05 May 2014 17:37:21 Thierry Chatelet wrote:
> >> Well thank you for that. I put that file in conf-available, as it says to
> >> do in, I guess, the debian bug tracking system and it sort of work; ie:
> >> I have no longer the error 404 staff, but the script are not running. I
> >> get a window asking if I want to save setup.pl when trying to access
> >> localhost/ledgersmb/setup.pl.
> >> Thierry
> > 
> > Well, I am getting there. I put cgi.load into mods-enabled, restarted the
> > server and that did the trick.
>    Glad to hear it!
> > Only one problem left ( for now): The style sheets are not seen.
>     It may not have been setup correctly;  in the http config file,
> there should a section for how the directory '/var/lib/ledgersmb/css/'
> should be referenced.  The directory should have been created by copying
> "/usr/lib/ledgersmb/css/' to '/var/lib/ledgersmb/css/'  (Copied there to
> be used because the program can change the files.)  If not present, copy
> it over  and 'chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/ledgersmb/css/'.
> Jame
Hello Jame
Looking through a few things, I thought that something was missing in 

Alias /lsmbcss /var/lib/ledgersmb/css/
<Directory /var/lib/ledgersmb/css>
  Require ip
  Require host localhost
  Require all denied

That took care of the css problem.
I also had to make a change in /etc/ledgersmb/legdersmb.conf
 contrib_dir = /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension
contrib_dir = /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/extension

last, but not least,
I copied legdersmb-hppd.conf into /etc/apache2/conf.d as there is a simlink 
from /etc/ledgersmb/ to a file located there.

Doing all that I could run setup.pl, and login.pl
No chance in creating a new db for a new firm: access denied. I guess it's 
because of the 9.1 9.3 problem. I gave ledgersmb full authorization, and I 
could start working. Anyway, as I have some time to check things around, I 
will ,tomorrow, purge everything from my box and reinstall without setting the 
database during install, modify ledgerger.conf and see what's happening. I 
will let you know.

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