>>On the ongoing Somma vs. Becchio debate - we don't thrive in a 442, because 
>>midfield is frankly lightweight. I'm not convinced that Somma would make a 
>>better >>target man than Becchio, When we tried with them both, we got beaten 
>>badly and in the Cardiff game, Somma was utterly lost. He's got bags of 
>>potential, but throwing >>him in the deep end is not going to increase his 
>>confidence. Patience is required I think.


Few things wrong with this assessment. 

1. I wouldn't judge anyone on the Cardiff game - we were completely outclassed 
and nobody had a particular good game. 

2. You say we can't play 4-4-2 because our midfield is too lightweight, Well, 
we come out with Faye, Johnson, Howson and an unfit Snodgrass as we did against 
Cardiff then yes we've no chance and its no surprise that Somma had a wasted 
night. But compare to Doncaster and even last night at times, with Kilkenny , 
Howson a fitter Snodgrass and a lively Gradel - we needed someone to give their 
defence a runaround , create space and look dangerous. Becchio couldn't do 
As soon as Somma came on last night what did he do ? He ran into the channels 
and Kilkenny gave him the ball, it dragged them all over the place. Ok not much 
happened because they were soon reduced to 10 men and put everyone behind the 
ball  but it would have had he been on from the start paired with another 
attacker like McCormack. We saw that at Donny, with Kilkenny, Howson and Gradel 
all looking lively and creating chances for 2 very lively strikers that Donny 
just couldn't live with. Ask the Donny manager who are the best team they've 
played this season ?  

I'm sick of hearing that Becchio provides an outlet and that Somma would 
struggle in the current formation. It's garbage, we need to get over Becchio, 
play with ambition, skill and pace - we have the players to do that. His knee 
miscontrol last night tells you all you need to know about the Becchio myth. 
Anyone who sees Becchio week in week out know that this is what his game is all 
about - miscontrol and clumsiness, but nevermind he cost less than Berbetov and 
scores more goals. Yeah right. 

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