for the off side goal, the linesman did flag but very late - I think he waited until howson actually touched the ball rather than anyone else.

It wasn't offside though!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Walker" <>
To: "Ian Murray" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 8:02 PM
Subject: [LU] Palace

What a great afternoon – didn’t even seem cold. We deserved the win, no doubt about that but Palace came to win also and troubled us throughout the 90 mins –
more than they should have.

So when I saw the line up I went ballastic, 4-5-1 with Becchio as the lone
striker. Good God Simon get a grip, we shouldn’t be playing like this against a bottom of the league team at home. Also, with Bradley Johnson holding the fort in central midfield nothings going to happen. This system relies heavily on runners from midfield breaking though because Becchio’s movement his limited so he really doesn’t have much of a role in this system. For 50 minutes we huffed and puffed, played some nice football, created some good chances and made lots of mistakes, missed some real sitters, had a great goal chalked off by the ref (not the linesman) and made some really basic errors which helped Palace go in 1-0. It could have easily have been 2 if it hadn’t been for a great Schmeichel
save on 45 minutes.

First that ‘off-side’ goal. Great movement and great running from Howson saw him played through. He took the goal brilliantly, took a look at the linesman who had his flag down then slid on his knees and saluted the south stand. The ref then unbelievable cut short the celebrations and pulled back play – we were still dancing in the stands. I always take a glance at the linesman before I go mental and although it did look close the linesman was in the best position to judge whether Howson was off-side and he decided not. Really bad officiating.

We continued to create chances and then make mistakes. The best chances fell to Becchio, who lets be honest, should have had 6 today. The worse miss was a ball
in to him, He was stood 2 yards from goal but failed to convert – he was
hesitant which is strange because he’s usually full on when he’s in the 6 yard box. Becchio was then presented with a free 6 yard box header but he tamely headed on to the bar. Howson and Gradel also missed good chances. Towards the end of the half though we lost our way. Johnson started to detioriate and passes started going astray. Gradel changed wings to try and be more effective , but it
just wasn’t working. I watched attack after attack where we neatly played
ourselves up to the edge of the box but nobody was making the runs behind their defence. Becchio in particularly is clueless when it comes to making runs like this and plays most of the game with his back to the goal. He really shouldn’t
be the striker if we want to play 4-5-1 at home.

Then there was their goal. Johnson got caught out on the left, he didn’t have the pace to recover leaving their man in. He crossed and converted 1-0. They
didn’t deserve it but we really hadn’t played well enough. The system wasn’t
working and Grayson has to change it at the break.

Amazingly he didn’t ! Shocking really. So for another 10 minutes we laboured, same formation same problems. It was beginning to turn into a nightmare then Simon jumped into life. He dragged Johnson and Gradel off and out on McCormack and Sam. Now I’m no fan of Bradley Johnson and as far as I’m concerned he can go now because he’s not good enough for this league never mind the premiership (what a dreamer his agent must be) but he was badly booed when he left the field which I thought was out of order. I’d ask those fans to boo the manager for picking him not Johnson who to his credit is trying his best – it’s just that
this is not good enough, never has been.

The subs changed the formation and changed the match. Suddenly we were 4-4-2 which Kilkenny and Howson central (strange that isn’t it !!???) and a winger in Sam who actually was lively and caused a threat. McCormack was brilliant. He was lively, he made runs, he controlled the ball well, he had a goal disallowed and according to Grayson he got the equaliser (need to see it again). The goal was coming though. Kilkenny had nearly equalised when he brilliantly brought the ball down with his right foot, flicked it on to his left and volleyed from 25 yards. It was straight at the keeper which was good for him because he knew nowt about it. Then Becchio had another free 6 yard header which was easier to score instead he too put it straight at the keeper. He shook his head, he knew he
should have scored.

The equaliser to be honest is a bit of a blur but it looked like a few people tried things and it just seemed to come out to Becchio. He had his back to goal but managed to turn and hit it. Maybe it McCormack on the way on, who knows, it
was Becchio’s goal.

Palace to their credit came at us again and again and we wobbled a bit but when Paynter came on for Hughes we looked like we’d score with every attack. We tore
them apart. The winner when it came was another strange goal. The lively
McCormack was fouled as he pushed forward, I think everyone stopped for a while but the ball came nicely to Becchio who his a side footer – it looked like it should have been saved but it ended up in the back of the net. We went mad, me and a mate ended up 2 rows down. It was a good atmosphere today in the last 20

We didn’t give up there either and we could have had more. I think the Sam, Paynter and McCormack combination has real potential. This was a great win.


Schmeicel – 7. A couple of good saves but his kicking was dodgy today and he does risk it a bit which nearly cost us a goal in the 2nd half as he was charged

Hughes – 4. Maybe the defensive wobbles were because Connelly wasn’t playing. I think Hughes unbalanced the back 4. He isn’t a right back, he’s not good enough
despite tremendous effort.

McCartney – 6. Slightly worried about his defensive abilities at times, he gets
turned very easily.

OBrien – 7. Steady and calming influence.

Bruce – 7. Many good tackles and last ditch defending. I think these two have
real potential.

Johnson – 4. Thought he started positively enough but he doesn’t have enough
about him and definitely not enough ability.

Gradel – 5. Not his day today. Lively at first but the Palace defenders actually had a bit of pace and didn’t give him an inch. Was subbed and it was the right

Howson – 7. Very lively throughout. Not everything came off, but he is our main

Kilkenny – 7. Our best midfielder. Not everything came off, there were a few bad challenges and at times you just wish he had an extra yard of pace. However, he controls the game, he gets hold of the ball and he makes things happen. He also talks a lot and he tells players where they should be and what they should be
doing. I don’t see captain Howson doing this. Our best footballer.

Snodgrass – 7. I thought he played well today, they couldn’t handle him at
times. Sometimes though he just looks a little bit slugglish.

Becchio – 6 (3 for each goal). Ok, here we go. I’ve lost the bet before
Christmas which I really didn’t expect so I’ve had a think about why I lost so spectacularly ? Was I wrong about Becchio ? Is he a better player than I give him credit for ? Does he have more pace than I think ? Is he winning more balls in the air than I can see ? Well, my summary is this. I think he’s improved a lot since last season and I believe he is a player at the top of his game. I also think that the area I have completely underestimated him on is his Chapman factor. The ability to be in the right place at the right time. Today he should have had a double hat-trick and that’s because he got himself into the right
places. His goals today weren’t what you can call quality goals but he was
there, ready to finish off even if he wasn’t pretty. I think there’s a lot of value in someone like that and if he’s putting a few away then all the better.
So for that reason I will admit that I have underestimated him a bit as a
striker. There are plenty of strikers out there with much more ability than
Becchio that never get in to decent positions to apply their talent.

Having said that, I still believe:

1) Becchio is not the best option in a 4-5-1 at home when we’re looking to
break down and outfox defences.

2) His aerial ability is poor.
3) His general ability is at best average.
4) He has no pace

A million pounds !!! F*ck me, snap their hands off.

Ian, where do you want the cheque sending. Send me a mail off list.


McCormack – 8. Lively, aware and made things happen.

Sam – 8. Ditto

Paynter – 7. Looked lively, maybe should have scored.

Grayson – two ways of looking at this.

1) He’s a genius because he realises he needs to change things and when he
does it works

2) He’s a numpty because he keeps putting out a 4-5-1 , it doesn’t work so
we have to change and go chasing the game. It’s like entering a race with a leg
iron on and then taking it off after 50 metres and then destroying the
competition. Why not start the race without the leg iron and obliterate them ?

Crowd – bit of a Christmassy feel today, had a really good day. Looking forward
to 18th when I’m on an all dayer.

Going up ? Only 5 points behind Bardiff now.

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