I can't add much more to the usual suspects reports.  I guess most people
saw the match in the same way.

My only points are that I would not blame O'Brien for much - he is still our
best defender.  Surely Schmeichal (sp?) should have shouted that the ball
was his?  I've noticed this a few times with Schme... - the keeper - he
doesn't seem to shout many times to tell defenders what he's doing.  Still a
decent keeper tho.

Also, I can't see many positives with Paynter, I'd rather Grayson had played
Somma before him if he was going to rest Becchio.  As Rich pointed out, he
must have done something wrong cos he was our top scorer when he was playing

I thought we were unlucky with the two recent results, Leicester's 1st goal
should never have happened, Snodgrass was definitely fouled just prior to
the penalty.  And yesterday, I thought the ref (and linesman on the east
side) were the worst I've seen for ages.  Definitely a penalty when
McCormack was tripped in the box, irrespective that he was "going nowhere".
A trip is a trip.

All in all though, a good calendar year to be a Leeds fan: promotion from
that godawful 3rd Division (still haven't recovered from the emotions of the
Bristol game!), knocking scum out the cup (thanks Jermaine),  and sitting
nicely near the top of the Championship -  playing some decent football at
times!  11 games unbeaten!  Since that awful performance against Leicester
at home I've enjoyed the football this season as much as any time I can
remember in the last 7 or 8 years.

Roll on 2011!


Ted H

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