My short take on the match.  Our game plan was obvious.  Counter the strength 
of Forest passing play by buggering the he11 out of them in the midfield.   
That is why we saw a midfield pairing of Brown and Austin - 2 players NW to my 
recollection not has used together before, even when both were available.  This 
worked about the whole of the first half.  Sadly - Brown rarely makes an impact 
for a whole match and Austin far from match fitness, so we were not able to 
stick to the game plan for the whole match.  So - we lost.  Forest is not a bad 
team.  Only lost at home to Derby and 2 strong away teams in Millwall and Hull. 
 NW tactics were perhaps our best bet to get at least a draw from the match, 
but a combination of being unlucky and overestimating the impact of Austin and 
Brown for full 90 minutes harmed us.  While applauding NW for his choice of 
tactics, he really messed up by sticking with it for to long.  An 
implementation of a plan B should have been started already in the beginning of 
2nd half.  Especially when Forest were 1 up, it was getting painful to watch.  

Of course I would love if Leeds could go out and outplay every team - both home 
and away.  Sadly - we don´t have the players or team to do that.  You get to 
that level either by outspending others to buy quality, or by slowly building a 
team through perseverance, building brick by brick. We have done either.  Bates 
need to cash in, and his willingness to fire good managers has robbed us of 
both.  If anyone can get us promoted based on our current status and ability, 
it is NW.  I don´t want to spend years in 2nd div, building a capable team.  I 
want promotion NOW, and start building for the future when we reach the 
premiership.  To put the blame for losing to Forest on NW does really indicate 
a need for a reality check.  Count the number of relegations our players have 
between them - not sure this stat will be matched by any team in the league 
(except relegated teams of course :)

Bates and Beccio out.

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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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