You are very wrong.
Assad simply got it wrong. Gassing is not easy. Weather plays a a big role.
He is not obviously winning. Nor is he obviously losing... as he was. 
Do the gassed have to prove they didn’t gas themselves?
That is more than interesting -- it’s bizarre.

Being a Leeds United supporter does not mean that the whole world are 
masochistic DIY conspiracy theorist. 


Dr. Michael Benjamin

From: Eric B
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎September‎ ‎1‎, ‎2013 ‎11‎:‎55‎ ‎AM
To: Richard Naef


Hold your horses. Last time you went to war with the US it was based on a
massive lie: on the foundation that WMD exist. A huge scam, right?
That went through your democratic parliament nicely didnt it? The same
decmocratic parliament that doesnt object to the MI6 rocking up at newspaper
offices demanding that they delete compromising files. A democratic thing
to do?

Also, if you SERIOUSLY think the UK is not best buddies with the US then
think again.

FYI, France's then-Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin received loud
applause for his speech against the Iraq War at the United Nations on
February 14, 2003.
So, I find it a bit much that you take morale high ground whilst at the
same time dishing shit across the pond or to any other party.

Whats happening now in Syria is indeed very intriguing. From a military
point of view it is tactically challenging that Assad, who is in winning
position should do this.
For once I think Putin has made me think twice, Im sad to say. For the
record, Im not saying Assad didnt do this atrocious crime, Im just saying I
havent seen evidence
on it yet. Have others? Also, if the evidence comes from the US then I
think some of us will be spectical after what happend with the WMD scam.
Its a sad state of affairs..

In the light of your parliament saying no this a military action: should
this act be forgotten and left alone?


On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Richard Naef <> wrote:

> >Sure
> >You guys support all murderers don't you?
> c'mon Mike, you know it isn't as simple as that - you know for your own
> experience given the chance people would get on with each other, but both
> sides are led by people for whom violence and the continuing state of war
> suits their financial and political purposes.
> Talking of which, Yanks eh?  you gotta love them! France is now their
> "oldest ally"  bit of a change from Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys!  All
> our parliament did was exercise their Democratic right to debate the rights
> and wrongs and yet all of the sudden we are no longer their best buddies.
> Thank fuck we don't have a presidential system like them and les frogs.
> oh, yeah, the football, I'd take a 0-1 loss against by far and away the
> best
> team in the league.  We weren't embarrassed as we have been against
> Norwich,
> Soton and Cardiff in the past.
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