To be fair I have been saying for a few weeks that my mates have no faith or 
confidence in Redfearn and want to see the back of him. I am still , just 
about, in the pro camp but their worries are starting to get to me. I think 
with the turnover of managers already this season and the fact that Redfearn 
does have a genuine affinity with the club and is (supposedly) a favourite with 
the young players, that fans do not want to openly criticise or boo him. 
However as my mates are constantly pointing out even when we were on the good 
run we were not hammering teams and most of our wins could easily have gone the 
other way - think Boro and Fulham- just look at the stats and say we deserved 
to win. Of the 5 of us - 3 are against Redfearn, I am for him but have to admit 
I cannot see him being the man to take us up, and one is on the fence.
Like you say he makes a lot of mistakes but lucky results and the fact that we 
have other 'hate' figures at the club has made it easier for him with the fans
I will be there tomorrow but really cannot see anything other than them beating 
us and doing so easily - maybe 2-0 and they never get out of second gear or 4/5 
0 if they decided to really go for it. That is not a good feeling going into 
our penultimate home game
Having said that my son, having missed the last two seasons has already bought 
his ST for next season - how crazy that he has had to buy it via Zebra Finance 
(albeit interest free) because it is not possible to pay on a credit / debit 
 To: Leeds List <> 
 Sent: Monday, 13 April 2015, 17:11
 Subject: [LU] Redfearn
OK I will probably get slated for this, but I think Refearn is getting an easy 
ride and he is starting to do things that previous managers were slated for. He 
is starting to annoy me:
  - Calling out individual players for their poor performance (Silvestri and 
Antenucci on Saturday). Warnock was hammered (rightly so) for this after what 
he said about Lees. Interestingly it is only the foreign players getting this 
treatment. Morison rather than being shite "needs a rest"
  - Blaming players for being unable to adapt to a position and playing a 
certain way for a system. How about changing the system to suit how the players 
best play?
  - Too many mentions of shifts and graft, and "I want to see what they have 
got in them". Hockaday anyone? Remember the vitriol he got for using pretty 
much the same language?
  - Why no experimentation with some of the foreign players as the season winds 
down? Or has he already made his mind up (Doukara, Adryan, Montenegro)? 
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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