If they put it off until a time when Pontus is available again, that would be 
better no? [😊]


From: Leedslist <leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org> on behalf of nat...@sky.com 
Sent: 11 January 2017 11:07
To: Leeds List
Subject: [LU] Am I wrong to hope the daily star is correct?

Was in Tesco earlier and saw the frontpage headline in the Daily Star"white out 
- snow to put football matches at risk this weekend" - underneath was a picture 
of a snowman in a Leeds scarf
Brilliant I thought, the game will be off, result
I am unable to go, thanks to sky and their Friday night football nonsense, got 
a  'family do' that I can't get out of !
Was gutted when I saw the weather forecast for Leeds is actually all day 
sunshine on Friday !
Is it wrong and selfish to want the game postponed just because I cannot go 
(but would most likely be OK for re-arranged game ) ?

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